La Sapienza Merda
To the poor souls who have been sent there for their ERASMUS , I can say only this :
its very simple. The university isn't disorganised... there simply is NO ORGANISATION. You'd better be prepared to fend for yourself, to rise early very often to find out that your lecture has been canceled (yes I know, in the UK they send us an e-mail in that case... well not here. mainly because you do not have a University e-mail adress.), to have the room changed without you knowing, or simply have the module cancelled mid semester.
Good luck also finding the rooms... no, your archeology lecture is not in the janitor's closet, although it does say that its room 9.A. ... and don't even get me started on exams.
As an ERASMUS, you are also the teachers and the administration's personal nightmare. Thinking that anyone will help you , is absolutely useless. you might aswell get used to the idea. Sapienza is the biggest joke in town, and if you tell an italian you study there, they will give you this unnerving , pitifull look...
"poor little erasmus, you're going to get eaten by the wolves!"
The only positive thing is that if you survive the year, you can pretty much survive in every war zone.
I wish i could help you by giving you usefull websites for the uni etc...but i can't...because there aren't any. The only advice I have is for you to get yourself a University Buddy, that is , another erasmus who you can take courses with, and go to the erasmus office with and get your codice fiscale etc....
but just in case : www.uniroma1.it -
so yes... IN BOCCA LUPO! (that means good luck ! :) )
but don't worry too much... i survived... so far at least !
you're absolutely right